August 28 2021
CQRASN presents:
Masterful Scenes
An online theatre writing masterclass with Kathryn Ash
Masterful Scenes Part 1 (9am -12pm) will include analysis of 3 great performance scenes. Participants will read aloud, discuss and study together 1 scene from one classic play and two modern classic plays. The purpose of this is to identify the playwrights’ style, intent, structure and craft.
In Masterful Scenes Part 2 (1 – 3 pm) the participants are set a task to write a sample scene in which the masterful elements are applied. The number of characters and given circumstances will be provided, so they will not have to invent too much in the way of storyline. The scenes are then read out to the group for further discussion.
The masterful scenes studied will be chosen from plays that are designed to challenge their thinking and invigorate their imagination, and in some respects, free them from the constraints of the ‘well made play’.
The three scenes to be analysed are:
- A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams – scene 7.
- Macbeth by William Shakespeare – Banquet scene – Act 3 Scene 4.
- Luna Gale by Rebecca Gilman (scene pdf will be provided to participants) – Scene 1. Warning: contains some swearing.
Participants will need to read all three plays prior to the masterclass, the scripts will be provided to participants once they have registered.
Masterclass Outcome: Each participant will gain skills to analyse performative text and create possibilities for (more) masterful versions of their own scenes.
JUTE theatre company is proud to be regionally based, with the role of delivering distinctive new work that challenges, inspires and resonates with the cultural diversity of Far North Queensland and beyond. They do this through a wide range of inclusive programs of new work development, productions and touring and their Dare to Dream regional and remote tours with residencies, training, mentorship and community outreach.
This workshop is delivered online.
Saturday 28th of August.
Part 1: 9am to 12pm.
Part 2: 1 – 3pm.
This workshop is free for participants residing in the following LGAs: Banana, Bundaberg, Cherbourg, Central Highlands, Fraser Coast, Gladstone, Isaac, Livingstone, Mackay, North Burnett, Rockhampton, South Burnett, Whitsundays and Woorabinda.
Trudie Leigo, CQRASN Project Officer, or 07 4150 7736.
The Regional Arts Services Network is an initiative of the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland. CQUniversity has been appointed as the Central Queensland Provider.